Stucco Base Coats
BASE COAT is a polymer modified, Portland Cement based product used to adhere expanded polystyrene insulation board to concrete and masonry surfaces and exterior grade plywood. It is also ideal for embedding fiberglass reinforced mesh fabric, as well as providing an ideal waterproof base coat for synthetic stucco finishes and flexible insulation systems.

Stucco Scratch & Brown
SPEC MIX® Scratch and Brown Preblended Stucco is a dry, preblended cement-based product designed to be used as the scratch and/or brown coat in a three-coat stucco application. This product also can be used as the first coat in a two-coat application for exterior stucco applications. The final wall system will produce a nonload-bearing, aesthetically pleasing exterior veneer or interior finish on concrete or masonry walls, stud walls or metal buildings.

For more information regarding prices and availability contact us at (630) 359-3464 or email us at